
What Causes Varicose Veins

One-way valves in the veins direct blood flow towards the heart. Blood can gather in the veins if the valves become weaker or broken. The veins enlarge as a result of this. When one of these valves fails, blood can pool in the vein, causing the vein to stretch and twist, resulting in a varicose vein. It’s not always clear what causes the valve to malfunction, and there’s no way to prevent it from happening.

Double Chins

Double chin refers to the fat that accumulates behind the chin, also referred to as submental fat (the area underneath the chin). Submental fat can build up for a variety of reasons. Contradictory to common beliefs, double chins are not always caused by obesity and being overweight. Double chins are more likely to develop in people who have a family history of sagging skin or persistent fat. Aging is also one of the most common causes of double chins …

Are Varicose Veins Dangerous

Did you know that varicose veins are a common problem that affects approximately 20% of all adults! Due to how common it is, adults often have several questions about varicose veins, especially if they are dangerous. The quickest and shortest answer would be that while varicose veins are not always harmful, neglecting them for a long time can lead to other more severe issues.